This course helps you in learning and understanding duas for everyday life helps you in performing Islamic worship and rituals, and will help you in becoming a practicing Muslim.
In Islam, supplications or Dua are considered one of the most important parts of worshipping ALLAH and the recommended part of every Muslim in daily routine. Supplications are not only used in different acts of worship but they are the mode of remembrance of ALLAH which is the greatest voluntary act in Islam.
As per Islamic belief, supplications don’t help in increasing spirituality only but they are the fort for any Muslim from evil and wrongdoers and keep the person in peace and security.
The significance of invoking Almighty and remembering Him is very high and is part of almost every primary worship and important event of life like dua before sleeping, dua after awakening, dua before and after eating, dua washroom, dua of marriage, dua funeral, dua istikhara, etc.
Considering the need and importance of Dua in Islam we have designed a beautiful course based on Authentic Dua and Azkaar that will help you throughout your life.
That’s why Rihlat al-Quran is offering a unique supplication course for a person of any age. Stop being worried if you are over-aged or an adult this course is not only for kids but is equally useful and necessary for the Muslims of any age and especially for new Muslims.
We will be teaching all the necessary supplications and dua that are part of Islamic Rituals and Islamic Society, which creates a sense of unity and globalization amongst the Muslims of all ages and ethnicities and help in building good relationship with other Muslims around.
These supplications are not necessary for some deeds but are actually important to live between Muslim community as it is the language of Eeman and belief and help in social communication between Muslims. All the teachers at Rihlat al-Quran have a mission of spreading the word of the Quran and Islam to every Muslim and educating them with basic and essential Islamic things.